viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

Here I am ;)

Hello everyone!!!
After a great debate against myself, finally I have a blog. It most difficult thing was finding a name... Basically I doubted between three:
1. "Lucid Dreams" as the song by Franz Ferdinand (following Arturo's advice of using a name of a song)
2. "Docendo discimus" which is a Latin expression I learnt in Brighton (yes, you're reading well: I learnt some Latin in UK! ;P) and it means "we learn by teaching". It describes the main reason why I teach English in summer (apart from being paid, of course). You actually learn more when you try to explain thing to other people. That's why I like correcting essays, not 'coz I'm a freak (even though I am).
3. Drumdroll (redoble de tambores??)... Of course, the last one is te one I chose: Ελληνική τραγωδία. Why? I don't know! 'coz it's Greek and... I just like it!! hahaha
I finally decided to use the third one because I though it would be more original to use a Greek name ;) Unfortunately, I guess the template doesn't really match with the name... but it's the best thing I found.
Anyway, maybe in a couple of months if I'm bored of it I will change it, why not?
Now, the next step would be to try to use the blog quiet often, but not to spend here hours and hours. That is, something balanced...
We will see...
For now, that's all folks!!